There’s no denying crew have immense talent and skill. From the captain to the deckhand, each department is trained to provide top-notch service and fun. With gourmet food, stunning table masterpieces, and unrivaled on-the-water fun, it goes without saying that your service skills are seven star.
But now is the time to let the world see those skills. Show us what you got — your crazy, creative, fun, and wacky sides. If you’re looking for a creative outlet to let off a little steam after the stress of the last few months, capture it on camera, impress us, and you could be crowned a winner.
Show us your clever, on-the-job shortcuts or tricks:
How quickly can you fold a complicated napkin design?
Do you have a secret cocktail skill?
Show off your tender docking skills
Are you the king of Jet Ski tricks?
Whatever it is, we want to see it.
The rules:
•Must be on a charter yacht currently
• Video of no more than 15 seconds
• Please make sure no one is hurt in the making of your video
The winners will be decided by public vote. This is a great way to promote the boat, so make sure to send us the details of what crew were involved (names and positions), plus the boat info: name, length, builder, charter details, and current location.
Submit your video to with all necessary info, or email with any questions you may have.
Show Us Your Skills: Crew Got Talent
16 June 2020