In devastating news, a 30-something Bulgarian crewmember died after his legs were nearly severed by an anchor chain during a freak accident on Fincantieri’s 140-meter M/Y Ocean Victory on Sunday around 2 p.m., according to local reports.
Located at Mu Ko Similan National Park, the yacht was reportedly lowering its anchor in front of Koh Tachai when the anchor chain accidentally wrapped around the crewmember’s legs above his knees, causing critical injuries and massive blood loss.
Royal Thai Navy Chief Petty Officer Watcharin Promruang of the Third Naval Area Command told the Phuket Gazette that the crewmember was rushed to Thap Lamu Pier in Phang Nga on the yacht’s speedboat and then transported to the Bangkok Phuket Hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Police confirmed they would contact the Bulgarian embassy to notify the man’s family of his death, and until it’s been confirmed the relatives have received word, Dockwalk will be withholding the crewmember’s name out of respect.
View the local reports: