
M/Y New Hampshire Raises €10K and Awareness for Movember

5 December 2019 By Aileen Mack

November is the month where men don’t shave or grow funny mustaches for the sake of a good cause. The crew of M/Y New Hampshire hosted a Stand Together for Movember fundraiser to raise funds and bring awareness to men’s health issues. In honor of one of their crewmembers who was recently diagnosed with cancer and in support of all other dads, brothers, sons, and mates, they hosted a night of fun on November 29 in Antibes for the cause.

The event included a beer pong competition and raffle, which raised €4,896.50 toward their efforts. And with the donations from their Mo Team page and €1,000 from their agent Swift Marine, they raised more than €10,000 in total for the Movember Foundation, which exceeded the crew’s expectation.

“November Movember has always been a month for me to grow a ridiculous moustache and get away with it. This time around I feel part of the bigger picture, which is amazing, and I feel like my moustache has more meaning,” Chief Officer Johnny Cason says. “I’ve lost a close friend in the industry to suicide and it shocked me to my core. I immediately called all my boys to let them know I was there for them and that they could talk to me if needed. Movember starts the conversation and gets people thinking; it’s a great way of reaching out to all men.”

It hit close to home for the crew — a friend and colleague was diagnosed with cancer far too young, and everyone knows someone who has been affected by the disease, so they felt the need to start the conversation. November is about bringing awareness to issues that affect all men from cancer to mental health to suicide prevention, which is unfortunately becoming too common in the yachting industry, says Chief Stewardess Kelly Harrison.

“Encourage men to break down the walls of fear about speaking up and speaking out if you are suffering or depressed, in fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable,” she says. “Men need to be made to feel supported and comfortable to confront issues that affect them and not hide it from loved ones, crew coworkers, etc. There are such good people in this world and ones that will not judge or criticize. Trust in the kindness of stranger and loved ones.”

Harrison says the response and support they received from all over the world was incredible with encouragement from people and companies willing to help and join in on prize giving and advertising. While this is the first time the crew are hosting this event, they hope it can become an annual affair.

“The crew are really chuffed, and if this helps one person or, fingers crossed, loads of people to start the conversation, to find the courage and get help, [or] offer help to others and be there for our future men, then it’s been a success,” says Harrison.

Even though November is over, you can still make a donation to the Movember Foundation by visiting