
Crewmember Jumps off Venice Bridge in Italy

15 August 2016

According to a report on,a crewmember jumped from the Rialto Bridge on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy,smashing into the windshield of a passing water taxi just before midnight onFriday, August 12. Reports claim he was drunk at the time.

AnAustralian Yahoo news story states that he was rescued and rushed to thehospital, where he’s hospitalized in intensive care with fractures and severetrauma. He remains in serious but stable condition.

Despite a public ban on swimming in Venice’s canals, the NewZealander, wearing only a bathing suit, climbed onto the highest point of theRialto Bridge before diving into the channel, reports IlGazzettino, a local Italian paper. He reportedly lives in St. Tropez,France, and was working on a yacht moored at Punta della Dogana at the time.

He has yet to be identified, but reports suggest he is 49 or50 years old. According to Il Gazzettino,a colleague helped rescue him.

The water taxi driver was also injured, and the taxi itselfsuffered damage. Once the crewmember recovers, he will face charges forendangering public transport.