This Sweet Red Pepper Margarita is the latest of theCocktail Concoctions Series by S/Y Marie’sChief Stewardess Jasmin Rutter and is the perfect refreshment during these hotsummer months.
“I have been making this often for friends and the crewand it seems to be a winner,” says Rutter.
60ml Don Julio Anejo Tequila
30ml Fresh Lime Juice
30ml Roasted Red Pepper Syrup
14ml Cointreau or Triple Sec (Optional —“I like it simple, but others enjoy the orange flavor,” comments Rutter.)
Pre-chill glass (Margaritas are bestfreezing cold!)
Rub the lip of half the glass in limejuice and salt the rim. (Use nice chunky salt!)
Shake all ingredients until ICY cold andstrain into the glass.
Garnish with fresh red pepper or lime.
“I have chosen the Anejo Tequila due toits earthy, smoky flavor, which pairs well with the pepper in my opinion,” saysRutter.
She finds that the pepper gives agorgeous aroma when cut fresh and that it’s
a nice touch to only salt half the glassso guests have the choice to drink with or without salt.
“This is a nice variety on a classic andit can be adapted to any other flavor you or your guests may prefer,” she adds.
Share your varieties with Rutter onInstagram or Facebook at @theroamingmixologist