
Capt. Drew Gollan’s Murderer Sentenced

8 February 2012

Just three years after Capt. Drew Gollan was brutally murdered in English Harbour in Antigua, his murderer, Sylvester Lindsey of Potters, Antigua, was sentenced to 22 years in prison, which includes time already served, according to an article on The

The Antigua Observer reports that Gollan was murdered on January 22, 2009, while walking along Pigeon Point in English Harbour with his wife and child — neither of whom were injured in the incident. Lindsey approached the family asking for money. Gollan then hit Lindsey with the bag he was carrying, after which Lindsey shot Gollan several times in the chest, puncturing his lungs and heart, leading to massive hemorrhaging and ultimately Gollan’s death.

Lindsey was captured by Antigua police on January 30, 2009, and the trial began in November 2009. After initially pleading innocent, Lindsey switched his plea to guilty.

According to the article on the Antigua Observer, High Court Judge Richard Floyd, who presided over the trial, was quoted as saying the murder of Gollan was “cold-blooded and brutal…. What sets (Lindsey) apart from his friends is that he was armed with a handgun, which is the most aggravating factor. You wantonly gunned down Mr. Gollan and inflicted, not one, but three shots. This was an act of cowardice, a brutal act of violence. There was no act of compassion.”

The murder sparked unrest amongst the yachting community in the area, who called for more security and safer streets.

Read the full article on Lindsey’s sentencing on The Antigua Observer here.