
Relax: Destressing While On Board

15 November 2019 By Aileen Mack

Being crew on board can be a whole new level of stress with caring for the yacht, guests, and yourself. Sometimes it can be easy to forget about having to care for your own health and sanity with so much to do on board. However, staying in a good headspace and maintaining your mental health is just as important. What do you do to destress while on board?

“Go on deck, look at the sea, and enjoy the view. You can visit places and never really know them.”
Capt. Marc De Charentemay, M/Y Ipsum

“Go outdoors. Hiking for the escapism. It’s a chance to decompress and be away from crew and the stress. Let the brain unwind.”
Chief Mate Damien Peterson, M/Y MQ2

“Sports, like running and cycling and beers.”
Second Engineer Alejandro Sanchez-Abad, M/Y Dragon

“I have a calm app on my iPhone with my Bose noise-canceling headphones. It’s a 15-minute release. Or go to the pub.”
Capt. Sam Jeffs, M/Y Elysium 1

“Get off the boat and aimlessly walk around or call friends and catch up.”
Deckhand Freddie Foster, M/Y Sonishi

“Yoga and meditation. I lie on the sundeck and tan, clear my mind and just switch it off.”

Sole Stewardess Katie Pretorius, M/Y Elysium 1