Salary Guide

Last Chance — Weigh in on the 2024 Dockwalk Salary Survey!

26 July 2024 By Staff Report
Enter the 2024 Dockwalk Salary Survey
Credit: John Devolle

Salary information can be tricky to find sometimes as it’s often a well-guarded secret. Now in its 26th year, the Dockwalk Salary Survey aims to create greater transparency and understanding of crew compensation for both captains and crew — but we need your input. Here’s how you can take part...

What is the Dockwalk Salary Survey?

The Dockwalk Salary Survey has been a staple of the magazine since its inception in 1997 and is an important tool for the industry. The anonymous survey helps paint a bigger picture of pay in yachting by using salary feedback directly from captains and crew to provide an in-depth, inside look at superyacht crew compensation. Whether you’re a yachtie veteran, climbing the career ladder, or getting your feet wet and experiencing your first position on board, Dockwalk’s Salary Survey provides an invaluable guide to crew salaries around the world.

Why Should I Take Part?

Salary is generally one of the top motivators when choosing a job on board a yacht, along with benefits, but it can sometimes be tough to determine the numbers. Being open about compensation should be far more commonplace because it is important to understand your worth and will ultimately help crew earn what they deserve.

While it might seem intrusive to ask captains and crew to share their personal salary information — albeit anonymously — it is a vital tool that can help crew make important career decisions. The Dockwalk Salary Survey allows crew to determine if a job offer is reflective of the industry and their role, which is particularly handy when negotiating a salary.

Where Can I Find the Survey?

The 2024 Salary Survey is now open for a few more days. Help us compile accurate info for our annual salary issue — all responses are anonymous. 

weigh in now

When are the Results Published?

The survey results, along with a look at the past year’s hiring trends, will appear in the September 2024 issue of Dockwalk magazine and will also be published in our online salary guide. You can find an analysis of the 2023 Dockwalk Salary Survey here.


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