
Volunteering Ashore

29 March 2011 By Louisa Cowan

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Do you ever feel like youcould make a difference…a real difference by either helping those less fortunatethan yourself or maybe the environment? Well you can. Crew have it in their powerto make some changes in both their own lives and the lives of others. Andwhat’s more, crew might find that they actually have some fun along the way!

When the boat is in port oryou have some downtime, why not hop off and do something charitable? Fromvolunteering and working holidays to onshore fundraising, here are some ideasfor charitable work that will earn you a whole heap of good karma.

Often, time off is sacred; evengiving a day or half a day to a good cause is admirable. Being surrounded byyachties day in and day out has many advantages but sometimes it's interestingto meet local people and do something different than the regular jaunt to thecrew bar or shopping.

If you are a chef, consider cooking up astorm for those who can't enjoy the luxury of yacht-standard delicious food.Look up your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and contact them directlyto find out about volunteering opportunities ( Volunteers are in short supplyand an extra pair of hands always is welcome.

Perhaps a day in the fresh air is more your style. If marine conservation is a cause close toyour heart, perhaps offer your time to a local beach cleaning exercise – andthink of the added exercise benefits. For informationor to contact a local coordinator, take a look at the Ocean Conservancy website,

If it is more than just aday of your time you want to offer, you could consider taking a volunteeringholiday. has avast array of trips available from working with orphans in the Philippines tobuilding houses in Kenya. You can opt for a one-week or a ten-week adventure.Tailor the trip to fit with your schedule and do something amazing.

Whilst cruising around theCaribbean or the Mediterranean, crew could use their professional skills tohelp an organization that is always looking out for volunteers to keep theirboats in good repair. The Jubilee Sailing Trust runs two tall ships and offersthe opportunity for “individuals of all physical abilities to sail side-by-sideas equals” ( Theorganization has scheduled maintenance stops in Antigua, Bermuda, Las Palmas,Falmouth and Southampton and help is gratefully received. Check out the “Volunteerfor Maintenance” tab on their website for more information.

Finally, why not try a bitof fundraising? Your friends, colleagues and family won’t mind putting theirhands into their pockets now and again to support good cause, right? You canraise funds for the charity of your choice by undertaking a challenge, havingan adventure or organizing an event. Keep your fitness training focused andsign up to run a half-marathon – or even a marathon if you are feelingdedicated! Follow the lead of two of M/Y Leander’screw who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise some dollars for charity or organizean event and get others to join in the fun. Organize a dance, barbeque or evena beach cricket tournament. You can do anything you choose, but remember:whatever you choose to do, volunteer or raise cash, you can make a differencewith every penny and minute of donated time.